Archrivals Iran and Saudi Arabia agree to end years of hostilities in deal mediated by China


In a significant breakthrough, archrivals Iran and Saudi Arabia have agreed to end years of hostilities, with the help of mediation from China. This development could bring a positive change in the regional dynamics of the Middle East, which have been marred by tensions and conflicts for decades.

The agreement was reached after several rounds of secret talks held in Beijing, where both sides agreed to cooperate and refrain from hostile actions towards each other. It is a significant step towards stability in the region and could lead to improved economic ties and cooperation on key issues.

The agreement was welcomed by the international community, with many hoping that this could pave the way for further peace negotiations in the region. The role of China as a mediator also highlights the country's growing influence in global affairs.

However, it remains to be seen how the agreement will play out in practice, and whether both sides will be able to stick to their commitments. Nonetheless, this development gives a glimmer of hope for the people of the Middle East who have suffered for far too long due to ongoing conflicts and hostilities. 


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