How Smell Receptors Work New Research Reveals – Answers Decades-Old Question of Odor Recognition


All faculties should deal with the lavishness of the world, but nothing matches the test set by the olfactory framework that underlies our sense of smell. Because different hues emerge as light waves that vary only in one dimension, their frequency, we only require three receptors in our eyes to detect all the rainbow's colors. However, the colorful and vibrant world pales in comparison to the chemical world's complexity, with its many millions of odors made up of hundreds of molecules of varying shapes, sizes, and properties. 

For instance, the scent of coffee is the result of the combination of more than 200 chemical components, each of which has its own unique structure and does not, in and of itself, smell like coffee. 

With only a few hundred or so odor receptors, the olfactory system must recognize many molecules, according to Rockefeller University neuroscientist Vanessa R U T-A. It is evident that it had to develop a logic that was distinct from that of other sensory systems. 

By providing the first ever molecular views of an olfactory receptor in action, R U T-A and her colleagues in a new study provide answers to the decades-old question of odor recognition.

According to the findings, which were published in Nature, olfactory receptors do in fact operate in a way that is uncommon for other nervous system receptors. The majority of olfactory receptors each bind to many distinct molecules, whereas the majority of receptors are precisely shaped to pair with only a select few molecules in a lock-and-key fashion. Each receptor is able to respond to a variety of chemical components because of their promiscuity in pairing with various odors. The brain can then determine the odor by looking at the pattern of how different receptor combinations activate

Holistic Recognition

Thirty years ago, olfactory receptors were discovered. A single odor receptor can respond to compounds with distinct chemical and structural properties. The atom-by-atom structure of an odor receptor has been mapped out in three dimensions using C R Y O electron microscopy. 

The jumping bristle tail has a simple olfactory system, but its receptors are members of a large family. They create a pore through which charged particles flow, called an ion channel. The sensory cells that start the sense of smell are activated when the receptor comes into contact with the odor that it is targeting

The team examined the structures in greater detail to determine precisely where and how the two chemically distinct molecules bind to the receptor. The interactions of odor receptors with molecules have been the subject of two theories. 

One possibility is that receptors have evolved to respond to a portion of a molecule's shape, for example, in order to distinguish large portions of molecules from one another. It has been proposed by other researchers that each receptor has multiple pockets packed onto its surface at once, allowing it to accommodate multiple molecules. 

However, her findings did not fit either of those scenarios. It turned out that eugenol and DEET both bind in the same spot on the receptor and fit perfectly inside a small pocket there. Surprisingly, the odor and the amino acids that lined the pocket did not form strong, selective chemical bonds.

 In contrast to the majority of other systems, where receptors and the molecules they target are chemically compatible, here they appeared more like friendly acquaintances. According to her, "these kinds of nonspecific chemical interactions enable the recognition of various odor". The receptor is, therefore, not restricted to a particular chemical feature. Instead, it's recognizing the odor more general chemical nature, according to her. 

In addition, the results of computational modelling indicated that the same pocket could accommodate many additional odor molecules in the same manner. 

However, she asserts that the receptor's promiscuity does not imply that it lacks specificity. Each receptor is insensitive to some molecules, but responds to many others. Additionally, the receptor's preferred binders could be altered by a straightforward amino acid substitution at the binding site. This last finding also helps to explain how insects have been able to develop millions of different kinds of odor receptors that work in a variety of environments and lifestyles. 

According to her, the findings are likely representative of numerous olfactory receptors. They point to important principles in the recognition of odor, not only in the receptors of insects but also in our own noses, which must also detect and distinguish the vast chemical world


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