6 Vitamins to Transform Your Dry, Damaged Hair Into Perfect Glossy Locks


Do you need to pamper your hair? Using the right shampoo and conditioner is just one part of having shiny, healthy hair. Vitamins and supplements are an essential covert weapon in the fight for shiny, healthy hair, and what you put in your body is just as important as what you put in your hair. 

However, not all vitamins are created equal when it comes to making damaged hair shine. Six of the best vitamins for healthy hair from the inside out are listed here

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is frequently lauded for its contribution to glowing, healthy skin, but did you know that it is also beneficial to hair care? Hair cells, as well as other types of cells, require vitamin A for growth. Vitamin A is known to help with hair that grows quickly. For this very reason, vitamin A is a component of many treatments for hair loss! 

Additionally, vitamin A aids in the production of sebum, an oily substance that keeps your hair and scalp hydrated and moisturized. 

But there is such a thing as too much vitamin A; in fact, too much vitamin A can actually cause hair loss. Therefore, you should make sure you don't take more than the recommended amount


If you have ever looked at the list of ingredients on a skin, hair, and nail supplement's bottle, biotin is probably there. This is due to the fact that biotin is good not only for your skin and nails, but also for your hair. 

Biotin is necessary for the production of keratin, the protein that makes up your skin, nails, and hair, and helps your body convert food into energy. Because of this, it is the ideal vitamin for encouraging the growth of thick, healthy hair. In fact, studies have demonstrated that taking biotin-containing supplements improved the volume and thickness of thinning hair in women. 

Additionally, biotin can help prevent hair loss; 38% of women experiencing hair loss were found to be deficient in biotin. It is not surprising that this useful little vitamin is used in so many hair supplements


Collagen, another nutrient that is frequently praised for its use in skincare, can also do wonders for your hair. 

Biotin and collagen, the body's most abundant proteins, contribute to the production of the keratin that makes up your hair. Because of this, it is an essential component in helping your hair grow stronger and faster. 

Studies have also found that collagen helps slow down premature graying and thinning of the hair caused by aging. With so many benefits, collagen is a must-add to your nutrition routine. However, it also helps fight damage by protecting your hair from free radicals, which are compounds that harm your cells, proteins, and hair follicles

Vitamin E

Vitamin E revitalizes, hydrates, and increases blood flow to the scalp as an antioxidant. Minoxidil and other medications that work in the same way to stimulate hair growth use this tried-and-true strategy for growing hair. It pays to care for your head's skin because a healthy scalp is necessary for healthy hair

Vitamin C

Since vitamin C is responsible for the production of the protein known as collagen, it should come as no surprise that it can also help prevent hair loss. However, vitamin C has numerous additional advantages for hair care. 

Vitamin C also fights dandruff by removing dirt and bacteria from your scalp, soothing dry, itchy skin, and fighting bacteria. A diet high in vitamin C has also been shown to combat hair loss and prevent alopecia and baldness in men. One of the main causes of hair loss is the hormone dihydrotestosterone, which shrinks and miniaturizes hair follicles. This hormone is suppressed by vitamin C, preventing hair loss


Iron plays a significant role in hair growth, along with vitamin C and collagen. Iron deficiencies have been linked to hair loss in studies. Iron helps oxygen get to your cells faster by increasing circulation. Your scalp won't get the blood flow it needs to grow hair without it


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