Google Audio Ads Available To All Advertisers


Audio ads are now available to all advertisers through Google. The ads are aimed at YouTube users who listen to podcasts and music while streaming

With the new audio ad targeting options, advertisers can now target podcast listeners specifically. Now, advertisers can target podcast listeners specifically. During Advertising Week New York, Google also announced a number of other improvements to YouTube advertising.

Audio ads can now be used by advertisers on YouTube to reach podcast listeners 

Other Changes To Ads On YouTube 

 YouTube is launching a new product called "Moment Blast" to reach viewers at live sporting events, movie premieres, and product launches

Other Changes to Ads on YouTube moment blast YouTube is launching a new product called "Moment Blast" to reach viewers at live sporting events, movie premieres, and product launches 

Google States In An Announcement

Discovery Ads Product  

Feeds Google advertisers now have the ability to incorporate existing product feeds into YouTube Discovery ads.

Discovery ads can appear on the YouTube mobile app's home page, in the suggested videos section, or at the top of search results 

In the past, discovery ads could direct users to a YouTube video, a lead form, or a landing page. They are now also capable of directing users to product pages 

The YouTube Shopping holiday event on November 10 will provide additional information regarding product feeds in discovery ads

Studies indicate that click bots and fraudulent traffic cost online advertisers $35 billion, but Google is still slow to respond. 

Traffic is essential to the pay-per-click advertising industry's continued operation. However, bots have been able to "click" PPC ads and manipulate the system for almost as long as they have existed. 

This issue is a well-known fact and is much more prevalent than many digital marketers might think. According to some estimates, fake users account for almost 40% of all web traffic

PPC Fraud Is Big Business According to a study from the University of Baltimore, ad fraud will cost businesses $35 billion worldwide by 2020 alone. 

PPC fraud, in which website owners use an automated clicker, or click bot, to focus on Google Display, YouTube, or responsive text ads on their own site, is one of the most common ways it is committed. 

The thief takes the payment from the advertiser for each click if those clicks are not identified as fraudulent, which they frequently are. In addition to faking ad performance, this depletes advertisers' digital ad budgets by paying for traffic that does not exist

Reactivity, anxiety, and embarrassment may encourage the spread of bots. Google has the technology to identify and block bot traffic. Users can instruct Google Analytics' automatic search engine filter to "exclude all hits from known bots and spiders." 

However, this begs the question: why does Google not automatically block click bots? An anonymous publisher expressed the following opinion

Due to technological limitations imposed by privacy policies, servers are currently unable to accurately track what a browser actually sees due to technological limitations imposed by privacy policies. Servers basically operate blindly.

In terms of the advertisers who are being defrauded by fraudulent clicks, it appears that many of them are more concerned with maintaining artificially high traffic numbers or are embarrassed to admit that they purchased ad space that resulted in fraudulent clicks

The current richest man in the world, Elon Musk, blamed concerns about the number of spam accounts on the social media platform for stopping his acquisition of Twitter in May. Fake accounts were blamed for the deal's failure.

Musk claims that Twitter undercounted the number of fake accounts on the platform by millions. Peter Zatko, Twitter's former head of security, testified that executive bonuses were linked to daily user numbers.

In response, Twitter filed a lawsuit against Tesla's CEO, claiming that less than 5% of all Twitter accounts were bots.

The Delaware Chancery Court is the venue for this lawsuit's October 17 hearing. Musk will have to buy Twitter for $4 billion if he loses

Keep Click Bots Out of Your Ad Budget! While you can't completely shield your campaigns from bots, you can lessen their impact by following a few easy steps.

In Google Ads, create IP exclusions for known click farms.

Make sure to exclude geographical areas from your ad targeting where most fake clicks come from.

Placement exclusion lists can prevent your ad from appearing on questionable or fraudulent websites.

Implementing an elimination process may initially hurt your performance numbers, but it will save you money in the long run. Click fraud prevention is an ongoing process 


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